
Thursday, January 21, 2010

....cold :(

January 21st

Last night I had a dream where I was at the wedding of someone from Whitworth with all my school friends, and I had to watch the bride’s son who I loved and was like maybe two years old. At the same time I was being pursued by Edward Cullen (which is embarrassing even in a dream). It was not a good dream to have to leave. I’ve been having a lot of vivid dreams lately. I think it has something to do with the amount of pizza I’m eating and what time I’m actually going to bed.

I’ve have decided to make a list of things I will do this semester. My only real New Year’s Resolution was “Get to Chester and Stay there until Finals” so now I have a list of, goals? I also just watch Bridget Jones so…

1. Start sleeping at normal times. Being nocturnal is for bats, not people.

2. Use inordinate amount of free time for self betterment. This does not mean roaming the internet or YouTube. This COULD include: working out, reading for fun, learning French/German, meeting people, the Bible, relearning how to knit…etc.

3. Go to as many countries as I can afford.

4. Work on spiritual life.

5. Think about what the heck I’m doing after graduation.

6. Eat more fruit. Preferably exotic fruit like kiwis, mangos, and papaya.

7. Write letters.

8. Write anything on a regular basis.


That’s all I’ve got so far.

I DIDN’T EVEN TALK ABOUT THE SPIDERS YET. They’ve followed me here. And no joke, the ones we have are related to the Spokane Hobos. Ugh. One tried to kill me in my sleep the other night. But we killed it, twice and then put it outside.

Tonight Morgan and I went to a pub with some new friends from Germany for Curry night. I decided to try the spiciest chicken curry dish they had, because I mean, come on I have practically been eating peppers from birth. I was thoroughly defeated. I have never, even with wasabi, wept from spices like I did tonight. At least it seemed to help with my cold.


Madeline said...

Indian food is a remarkably different kind of spicy. I once thought as you did(being from AZ, it's only natural), and when I tried the spicy curry, my entire body burst into flames.

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